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31 course(s) found
தொற்றுநோய்த் தடுப்பும் கட்டுப்பாடும் 101
புதிய கொரோனா கிருமியால் பரவà¯...
Pengawalan dan Pencegahan Jangkitan 101
Penyakit Koronavirus Novel, telah mengejutkan orang ramai dan juga telah menjadi sebuah isu kebimbangan tahap global akibat kesamaannya dengan SARS (Sindr...
সংক্রমন প্রতিরোধ ও নিয়ন্ত্রণ ১০১
নভেল করোনা ভাইরাস, কোভিড ১৯ এà¦...
Fundamentals in Anatomy and Physiology (Part 2)
Anatomy and physiology are considered the basic foundation of knowledge in inpatient care. The understanding of normal body structures, body functions, a...
Fundamentals in Anatomy and Physiology (Part 1)
Anatomy and physiology are considered the basic foundation of knowledge in inpatient care. The understanding of normal body structures, body functions, an...
Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics
According to the Institute of Medicine report, the modern healthcare professional must have competency in informatics as part of a larger goal to provide ...
Infection Prevention and Control for Acute Healthcare Sector
Healthcare-associated infections is a major public health problem. The newly identified novel coronavirus has created alarm and caused global concern beca...
Infection Prevention and Control for Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC) Sector
Healthcare-associated infections is a major health problem. The newly identified novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has created alarm and caused global concern ...
Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in Healthcare
Today’s healthcare professionals are expected to know the principles of Evidence-based Practice (EBP) and are required to apply EBP concepts to the...
Polypharmacy in the Elderly
Polypharmacy – the concurrent use of multiple medications by the patient – can be quite common in the elderly who may suffer from several con...
Infection Prevention and Control for Healthcare Support
The novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, has created alarm and caused global concern because of its similarity to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)...
Infection Prevention and Control 101
The novel coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has created alarm and caused global concern because of its similarity to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Synd...
Counselling Skills for Nurses
Do you find it challenging to respond to your patients or their caregivers during difficult situations? Just sign up for our microlearning course (MLC) an...
Enteral Feeding
Level up your expertise on enteral feeding with this microlearning course! It offers evidence-based recommendations on best practices in nutritional asses...
Drugs Used in Diabetics
If you are a healthcare professional involved in patient care for diabetics, knowing the latest developments in insulin therapy , drug interactions and ph...
Psychological First Aid
17 Feb 2021
9:30 am
This course will help you gain knowledge and skills to attend to anyone in distress. PFA is a simple and cost-effective approach to help others who are ex...
Fundamentals of Chronic Disease Management for Nurse Counsellors
07 Jun 2021
9 am
Learn how to provide chronic disease-specific health education and counselling effectively in the primary healthcare settings ...
Understanding Human Diseases
Explore the basis of human diseases and equips learners with with a broad understanding of the practices of human pathology ...
Specialist Diploma in Community Gerontology Nursing
15 Apr 2021
9 am
Learn all about care and nursing management of older persons with multiple co-morbidities and healthcare needs. ...
Healthcare Nursing
A Primer for Healthcare Trainers: Learning how to design an effective training program
9 am
Healthcare-related training can be dry and content heavy. Such training is often instructor-centric and learners are required to adopt a passive learning a...
Implementing ICH Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System
ICH Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System is a harmonized system with emphasis on integrated approaches based on science and quality risk management. It aims t...
The Complementary Medicine Guide for the Pharmacy Professional in Singapore (Online)
Singaporeans are turning to a myriad of complementary therapies and tend to approach pharmacists who are primary community healthcare providers for advice....
Certificate in Bridging Studies for Enrolled Nurses (CBSEN)
26 Apr 2021
9 am
Nursing is a diverse, challenging and ultimately rewarding career. It is also a profession that provides many opportunities for professional growth through...
Healthcare Nursing
Contact Lens Clinical Practice
26 Mar 2021
9 am
Contact Lens wear has become an important eye correction resource and one of the most common medical devices on the market. Besides the ability to correct ...
Specialist Diploma in Clinical Education
22 Apr 2021
8 am
As a clinical educator in nursing, you become a role model for your students and an inspiration for the next generation workforce in healthcare. In helping...
Healthcare Nursing Education
Specialist Diploma in Palliative Care Nursing
07 Apr 2021
8 am
As patients face serious or life-limiting illnesses, nurses spend more time with them and their families than any other health professional. As an expert n...
Healthcare Nursing
Advanced Diploma in Perioperative Nursing
12 Apr 2021
8 am
Perioperative nursing is one of the most rewarding careers you can have as you strive to prolong and improve the quality of a patient’s life, pre- an...
Healthcare Nursing
Advanced Diploma in Critical Care Nursing
12 Apr 2021
8 am
Caring for critically ill patients is a highly challenging but rewarding endeavour requiring attention to detail, the ability to stay calm in a crisis, and...
Healthcare Nursing
Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Chronic Disease Management)
12 Apr 2021
8 am
With the prevalence of chronic illnesses on the increase, the role of nurses in caring for and educating patients with chronic diseases is becoming crucial...
Healthcare Nursing