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13 course(s) found
The Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition and Nutraceutical for the Pharmacy Profession
Learn about how you can choose right good supplements, changes in nutritional needs in today’s living environment and more.
Understanding Human Diseases
Explore the basis of human diseases and equips learners with with a broad understanding of the practices of human pathology
Environmental Infection Control And Management for Environmental Services
08 Mar 2021
Training curated for supervisors from cleaning industry in control and management of viral infections.
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Understanding the New Changes in ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Learn about the key changes in ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and how it may affect laboratory operations
Advanced Diploma in Medical and Pharmaceutical Technology
19 Apr 2021
10:46 am
Singapore has established its position as Asia’s leading centre for biomedical manufacturing. The industry is knowledge-intensive and requires a high...
Life Sciences
Medical Technology
ICH Q7 - Good Manufacturing Practice for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Knowledge of ICHQ7 guidance is fundamental to the pharmaceutical industries involved in the manufacture or supply of APIs or the audits of suppliers of API...
Diploma (Conversion) in Veterinary Clinical Science
19 Apr 2021
10:46 am
Whether passion or calling, a career focusing on the wellbeing and welfare of animals is a challenging but deeply fulfilling endeavor. The skills and knowl...
Life Sciences
Veterinary Clinical Science
Microbiological Food Safety
12 Jan 2021
9 am
Rapid microbiological methods provide a fast and cost-effective alternative, allowing companies to perform the bulk of their microbiological testing in-hou...
Food Safety
Quality Risk Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry
9 am
Quality Risk Management (QRM) principles require the evaluation of risk to patient safety and product quality based on scientific knowledge, data and exper...
Urban Farming Using Hydroponics
27 Feb 2021
9 am
Living in the city can be a deterrent to a passionate gardener due to land scarcity. The good news is, with hydroponics, you don’t need soil or a lot...
Urban Farming
Establishing Shelf Life of Foods
8:30 am
All food manufacturers undertake shelf life studies to ensure quality and safety of their products. The establishment of validated methodologies is critica...
Specialist Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Practice
19 Apr 2021
10:46 am
The increase in the number of pet lovers in Singapore had resulted in a greater need for pet-related services and products.
The Specialist Diploma in Veter...
Life Sciences
Veterinary Science
Specialist Diploma in Analytical Science
19 Apr 2021
10:46 am
Analytical Science focuses on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of chemicals, which plays an essential role in all types of manufacturing.
This cou...
Life Sciences
Analytical Science
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