Counselling Skills for Nurses

Online Course / Online

Course Information
Learning Outcomes
Course Schedule
Course Fees

Course Information

Do you find it challenging to respond to your patients or their caregivers during difficult situations? Just sign up for our microlearning course (MLC) and learn some basic counselling skills to help you stengthen your relationship with patients and caregivers.

Learning Outcomes

As a nursing professional, the ability to listen to your patients and guide them to cope with their illnesses, as well as to show empathy to their caregivers, requires counselling skills._x000D_
In this MLC, you will:_x000D_


  • Learn useful counselling techniques
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  • Improve your communication with patients and caregivers
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The course is conducted online.


Ngee Ann Polytechnic reserves the right to reschedule/cancel any programme, modify the fees and amend information without prior notice.

Course Fees

This course is an Online Course that you can take at your convenience. You will be emailed instructions immediately after successful payment. As this course is hosted by our partner Gnowbe, you will be directed to their website for payment.

Applicants / Eligibility Fees
Course Fees$49.00