Infection Prevention and Control 101

Online Course / Online

Course Information
Learning Outcomes
Course Schedule
Course Fees

Course Information

The novel coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has created alarm and caused global concern because of its similarity to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). There is an ongoing effort to contain it due to the mortality caused by the infection. A proven method to contain any infection is to have good infection control practices.

Learning Outcomes

This course is designed to equip and update the public with the knowledge and skills in infection control and prevention and covers two major topics:_x000D_
1) Infection Transmission_x000D_


  • Session 1: Chain of Infection
  • _x000D_

  • Session 2: Transmission of Diseases
  • _x000D_

2) Infection Prevention_x000D_


  • Session 3: Prevention by Hand Hygiene
  • _x000D_

  • Session 4: Prevention by Wearing Personal Protective Equipment
  • _x000D_


The course is conducted online.


Ngee Ann Polytechnic reserves the right to reschedule/cancel any programme, modify the fees and amend information without prior notice.

Course Fees

This course is an Online Course that you can take at your convenience and is currently offered for free._x000D_
You will be directed to our partner’s website Gnowbe for registration, after which you will be able to take up the course.

Applicants / Eligibility Fees
Course Fees$0.00