Course Information
Get the basics of Marine LNG in this course and learn from experienced trainers in the Marine & Offshore fields.
Julien Boulland
Julien Boulland holds the position of LNG Subject Matter Expert and Senior Naval Architect within Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, based in Singapore. He joined Bureau Veritas group 14 years ago, with 6 years in Paris Head-office and 8 years in Singapore. Julien works in various aspects of LNG in shipping related to Classification, Certification,
Regulatory Compliance and Innovation:
1. Assessment of LNG ship new designs (LNG Carriers, LNG-fuelled ships, LNG-Power Barges, FSRU) : structure and process
2. Classification Project Management of FSRU Conversion (Gas-to-Power projects),
3. Delivery of workshops and trainings on technical aspects and Code compliance (IGC Code and IGF Code)
4. Technical Advisory for LNG ship projects Julien holds a MSc. in Maritime Engineering Science from the University of Southampton, UK, and a MSc. in Engineering from the University of Lorraine – Ecole des Mines de Nancy, France.
Capt. Anthony Sim
Capt. Anthony Sim is a maritime veteran with 45 years of proven experience both at sea and shore for variety of vessel types including chemical, oil and gas. He spent: – 14 years sailing from Cadet to Captain with exemplary performance; -25 years in various capacity with Oil Majors, leading the industry towards compliance on safety, health and environment. -6 years with local bunker tankers company providing mentorship to improve overall safety management and practices.
Capt. Sim has also been involved in works relating to dual fuel and LNG powered bunker tankers, site support supervision on new building project including LNG bunker vessel. He has led and trained a team on LNG safe refuelling. Capt. Sim holds a MSc in Maritime Studies, Bachelor in Transport & Logistics Management and COC Class 1, Master.
Dave is currently a Senior Shipping Analyst at TOTAL. He was previously Commercial Manager at Pavilion Energy and prior to that he worked in the offshore shipping industry. He holds a MSc in Shipping Trade & Finance from Cass Business School and BEng in Mechanical Engineering from NUS.
Chua Yian Hong
Chua Yian Hong is currently a senior lecturer in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. He has worked previously as a naval architect in Germany and Finland. He has also done consultancy work using finite element method to analyse naval simulator structure, doing project management process setup as well as ISO9000 audit. He obtained his first degree of Diplom-Ingenieur from Germany and a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from NUS.
Dr. Zhou Xingding
Dr. Zhou Xingding is a senior lecturer in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. He has previously spent 15 years in R&D sectors and is currently leading several R&D projects as a Principal Investigator to develop new chemical / biochemical manufacturing processes. Dr. Zhou has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and filed several patents.
Learning Outcomes
After this course you will be able to understand:_x000D_
- _x000D_
- How natural gas is stored on marine vessels
- Learn above LNG market and economics
- Design principles of LNG Vessels and LNG floating unitsLNG production and re-gasification
- Gain knowledge of LNG bunkering
Application Period: 19 Jan to 07 Feb 2021_x000D_
Course Period:_x000D_
Day 1: 09 Mar (Tue Start)(Online Lecture)_x000D_
Day 2: 11 Mar (Thu)(Online Lecture)_x000D_
Day 3: 13 Mar (Sat)(Online Lecture)_x000D_
Day 4: 16 Mar (Tue)(Online Lecture)_x000D_
Day 5: 18 Mar (Thu)(Online Lecture)_x000D_
Day 6: 20 Mar (Sat)(Online Lecture)_x000D_
Day 7: 23 Mar (Tue)(Online Lecture)_x000D_
Day 8: 25 Mar (Thu)(Online Lecture)_x000D_
Day 9: 27 Mar (Sat, 10:00am to 11:20am – End)(Face-to-Face Written Exam)_x000D_
Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm_x000D_
Saturday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am_x000D_
Ngee Ann Polytechnic reserves the right to reschedule/cancel any programme, modify the fees and amend information without prior notice.
Lesson Plan
This course consists of 5 modules:
M1.1: Introduction on NG specification properties, uses, etc._x000D_
M1.2: What is LNG and Natural Gas (specification and its characteristics and properties)_x000D_
M1.3: How NG is stored for transportation – technical and engineering design associated with storage and product management_x000D_
M1.4: Different containment designs and the cargo and boil of gas management_x000D_
M2.1: Global LNG market dynamics_x000D_
A. the factors of consideration leading to FID of liquefaction projects_x000D_
B. Capex involved/global competitiveness_x000D_
C. The players in each field (producers, traders, portfolio players, consumers)_x000D_
D. How the market has evolved over the years_x000D_
M2.2: LNG value/supply chain- overview of what happens from upstream to midstream to downstream._x000D_
M2.3: LNG pricing – Basic introduction on the various indices (ie Henry hub, TTF/NBP, JKM and Brent link) commonly used, the dynamics and how they compared in terms of FOB/DES pricing._x000D_
M3.1: LNG Production (I) – Study of different gas treatment technologies _x000D_
A. Treatment of gas to meet LNG product specifications – Introduction_x000D_
B. Process treatment technologies – Fundamentals of different treatment process_x000D_
M3.2: LNG Production (II) – Study of various liquefaction technologies and LNG Re-gasification solutions _x000D_
A. Natural gas liquefaction technologies – Introduction_x000D_
B. Study in differentiation of available LNG production technologies_x000D_
C. The re-gasification process and the different available process technologies_x000D_
M4.1: Design Principles and Relevant rules for LNG Carriers_x000D_
A. Introduction to LNG Carriers and LNG Floating Units_x000D_
B. Design Principles of LNG Carriers and LNG Floating Units_x000D_
C. Design Drivers and Considerations for LNG Carriers_x000D_
M4.2: Design Principles and Relevant rules for LNG floating units_x000D_
A. Design Drivers and Considerations for LNG Floating Units_x000D_
B. Risk Identifications and Evaluations of LNG Floating Units_x000D_
C. Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines for LNG Floating Units_x000D_
M5.1: Gas as a Fuel -What is Gas, Types of engines using gas_x000D_
M5.2: LNG Storage Systems – Shore Storage, Onboard Storage, Handling of Gas_x000D_
M5.3: Onboard Fuel System – Types of machinery / equipment, Onboard Safety_x000D_
M5.4: Bunkering- Types of Bunkering, Safety, Procedures_x000D_
M5.5: Regulations and Training_x000D_
A Certificate of Performance will be awarded to participants who achieve at least 75% attendance and pass all required assessment(s)._x000D_
A Certificate of Participation will be awarded to participants who meet the 75% attendance requirement but did not pass all required assessment(s).
Course Fees
Course fee is payable upon acceptance. It is inclusive of 7% GST and subject to review._x000D_
The course is eligible for SkillsFuture Credit. For more information on the SkillsFuture Credit click here._x000D_
For enhanced training support, enter SME in the promo code during course application.
Applicants / Eligibility | Fees |
Full Course Fee | $577.80 |
Singapore Citizens (SC) below the age of 40 years | $173.34 |
Singapore Citizens (SC) above the age of 40 years | $65.34 |
Enhanced Training Support for SME Scheme (for SC & SPR) | $65.34 |