Course Information
This is a basic/intermediate course for learners who wish to pursue an entry-level career in trading and sales within the Wholesale Trade sector.
Due to Covid-19, organizations are transforming their operations and practices to mitigate the disruptions at lightning speed. What will help you to navigate these disruptions and gain transferrable skills as industries and organizations evolve?
Our Management & Administration Bootcamp will provide useful technical and cross-cutting skills to participants who wish to learn and apply business management & administration concepts at their workplaces.
The bridging course provides foundational skills in literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to navigate the demands of this course and the future workplace.
For more information, kindly refer to the SGUS FAQ at
Learning Outcomes
You will become a future-ready worker who can deal with game-changing technologies, operate in end-to-end digital environments, and contribute to business sustainability and growth._x000D_
You will gain exposure to skills such as business management and marketing.
All courses are designed to have a blend of online and in-person learning on campus. The detailed learning plan shall be shared with you by the instructors._x000D_
Application Period (without Bridging Course): 11 Nov 2020 to 8 Feb 2021_x000D_
Application Period (with Bridging Course): 11 Nov to 14 Dec 2020_x000D_
Course Duration: 3 months (bridging course, if required) + 6 months (core course)_x000D_
Bridging Course_x000D_
4 Jan to 7 Jan 2021 – Digital Learning Beginner Workshop (16 hours)_x000D_
11 Jan to 14 Jan 2021 – SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace (14 hours)_x000D_
15 Jan to 22 Jan 2021 – Workplace Numeracy (Intermediate) (30 hours)_x000D_
25 Jan to 15 Feb 2021 – Workplace Literacy Comprehensive (Beginner/Intermediate) (90 hours)_x000D_
16 Feb to 19 Feb 2021 – Financial Literacy (Optional) (16 hours)_x000D_
Core Course_x000D_
Duration: 22 Mar to 24 Sep 2021_x000D_
Schedule: Weekdays, either 9am to 1pm or 2pm to 6pm
Lesson Plan
This course consists of 7 modules:
The bridging course is meant for individuals who are unable to meet the Academic entry requirements (not applicable to RPL applicants) of the core course._x000D_
Individuals will be required to complete the 3-month bridging course and attain the relevant level of numeracy and literacy before proceeding to read the core course._x000D_
The bridging course comprises a package of courses which build foundational skills in Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy:_x000D_
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- Workplace Literacy Comprehensive (Beginner / Intermediate) – 90 hours
- Workplace Numeracy (Intermediate) – 30 hours
- SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace – 14 hours
- Digital Learning Beginner Workshop – 16 hours
- Financial Literacy (16 hours, Optional)
Upon completion, the knowledge and skills learnt in marketing, economics, basic statistical tools and models for decision-making, customer relationship management and service management systems will give you an edge to excel in your career.
Upon completion, the knowledge and skills learnt in marketing, economics, basic statistical tools and models for decision-making, customer relationship management and service management systems will give you an edge to excel in your career.
Upon completion, the knowledge and skills learnt in marketing, economics, basic statistical tools and models for decision-making, customer relationship management and service management systems will give you an edge to excel in your career.
Upon completion, the knowledge and skills learnt in marketing, economics, basic statistical tools and models for decision-making, customer relationship management and service management systems will give you an edge to excel in your career.
Upon completion, the knowledge and skills learnt in marketing, economics, basic statistical tools and models for decision-making, customer relationship management and service management systems will give you an edge to excel in your career.
Upon completion, the knowledge and skills learnt in marketing, economics, basic statistical tools and models for decision-making, customer relationship management and service management systems will give you an edge to excel in your career.
Certificate will be awarded to participants who achieve at least 75% attendance and pass assessments.
Entry Requirements
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- The following GCE ‘O’ Level grades and with at least 3 years of relevant work experience:_x000D_
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- – English Language (Grade 1-6)
- – Mathematics (Grade 1-6)
- – One other subject(Grade 1-6)
- NITEC with GPA >= 3.5 with at least 2 years of relevant work experience
- Higher NITEC with at least 1 year of relevant work experience
- NITEC in Technology or Services with GPA >= 3.5 and with at least 2 years of relevant working experience
- Higher NITEC in Technology or Services with at least 1 year of relevant working experience
- Relevant WSQ Diploma qualifications (depending on sector, Programme & level – bridging course may be required) with at least 3 years of relevant working experience and WPLN (Level >= 6) may be accepted as ‘O’ Level equivalent English Language & Mathematics requirements
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – Applicants who do not meet the above entry requirements may be considered for admission to the course based on evidence of at least 5 years of relevant working experience or supporting evidence of competency readiness. Suitable applicants who are shortlisted may have to go through an interview and/or entrance test. The Polytechnic reserves the right to shortlist and admit applicants.
Course Fees
Full Fees (incl. GST):_x000D_
$10,165 (including bridging course)_x000D_
$6,420 (excluding bridging course)_x000D_
Singaporeans & Permanent Residents (incl. GST):_x000D_
$750 (including bridging course)_x000D_
$500 (excluding bridging course)_x000D_
Trainees must fulfil minimum attendance requirements and pass assessments to qualify for course fee subsidies. Trainees who are unable to meet these requirements may be asked to return the course fee subsidies that they have received.
Applicants / Eligibility | Fees |
Singaporeans & Permanent Residents with bridging course (incl GST) | $750.00 |
Singaporeans & Permanent Residents without bridging course (incl GST) | $500.00 |